Roofing Over Existing Roof: All You Need To Know

admin | June 13, 2021 | | No Comments

Roofing over an existing roof can be a great or disastrous move, depending on the situation. When your roof starts showing issues, it means its lifespan is coming to an end. Then, it's time to decide what to do with your roofing system—what roofing options you have, and what's the best solution to your problem.

Though it's advisable to call a professional roofer to check the condition of your roof and tell you the best plan of action, you can also decide on certain aspects before seeking their advice.

If proper roof repairs by experts fail to offer a long-standing solution to your roofing needs, you can opt for a complete re-roof. Before you run off with the idea of getting a re-roof, there are some factors you ought to consider first. You have to determine whether to go for a complete roof replacement and installation or roof over the existing shingles. While these two instances may sound alike, they are entirely different processes in practice.

Differences Between Roofing Over An Existing Roof And Roof Replacement

Roofing over an existing roof is known as overlayment or re-roofing. This means roofers adds a new roof on the former roof. This can only be attempted once as there can be only two roofs on your home simultaneously. And It requires a lesser workforce to install. In contrast, roof replacement means starting all over again. When doing a roof replacement, the roofer removes the old roof and installs the new roof on your home. In this process, the old roof is completely useless—the new roof matters. It consumes more time and needs higher human resources, which makes it more expensive than roofing over an existing roof.

When Should You Re-roof Your House

Roof Failure

This situation is where your roofing system seems to be falling apart (end of its life span, losing granules, etc.), but it's still in relatively good condition. Meaning that even though it might be weak, its structures must be in place and no form of leaks. Then, in this case, you can opt for re-roofing.

The addition of another roof on your former roof is a great initiative. It can serve as an extra protective layer. When combined with the existing roof underlayment, deck, etc., it becomes a stronger force against roof leaks. This way, it helps your pushes rain and ice to the gutters and downspouts.

To Create A New Design

You can re-roof your building if you want to change the design, color, or other things that do not give you satisfaction in your house. It might be due to the house renovation and to make your roof match the new look.

When It's Not A Good Option To Add Another Roof

After a thorough roofing inspection, your roofer should tell you if your roof qualifies for re- roofing. Just like you would call a roofer before you call your roof insurance company, this should be done before you lay a finger on the roof.

This will help you save funds. The following are cases when roofing over an existing roof is not a good option:

Asphalt Shingles: Your building must have an asphalt shingle before you can place any other roof on it. You can't have a metal roof and re-roof it. But you can use a metal roof to re-roof an asphalt shingle.

Curling Vs. Flat Shingles: You can't re-roof a roof that has curled shingles. It must be flat. It's either you remove the curled shingles and replace them with the flat one or go for a total roof replacement.

Two Layers: If your building already has two layers, i.e., you've added another roof after the first one. Then it's impossible to add the third one. Even if your building can carry the load, building codes and rules do not accept such. The max is two roofs. You've got no choice but to do a roof replacement.

Roof Leaking: If your roof leaks when it rains, then it needs a total reformation. There is no contemplation on this.

Soft And Spongy: When your roof is soft and spongy, adding another roof to it will cause another problem. You should discard it and go for another roof.

Weight: Make sure the underlying shingles can carry the weight of the new one; otherwise, don't bother about it.

Advantages Of Roofing Over An Existing Roof

Less Expensive: It is lesser compared to roof replacement. You don't need to pay dump fees, neither would you need felt paper.

Less Work And Time: It takes less time to do this compared to roof replacement

Looks Good And Durable: If done under the right weather and condition, it will look good and last longer.

Manufacturer's Warranty: There is a warranty on the re-roof as much as for a new replacement. That is, if a professional roofer does it

Protection Against Heavy Storms: It makes the roof more stronger against heavy storms.

Disadvantages Of Roofing Over Existing Roofs

Long-Term Problems: It makes it difficult for your roofer to do a thorough check on your roof, which could cause problems in the next coming years.

Affects The Value Of Your House: This is important if you want to sell your house. Homebuyers don't accept re-roofing because they have to change it again.

Difficult And Expensive To Change: Since you've got two sets of roofs in your house, it makes it more difficult to change and expensive. Your roofer will need more human resources and will charge you extra costs for them.

Re-roofing over an existing roof is very much possible. However, take care to involve the very best and experienced local roofers near you. There are so many things that can go wrong during any re-roofing project.

Regardless of how tough the re-roofing job in the New York area may seem, you can always trust the seasoned and best value roofing solution by Best Roofing NYC to handle the job. If you have any inquiries to make, reach out to us at 1274 5th Ave New York, NY 10029 (212) 457-1324

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